We love when streamers cover the game! If you have any questions about the game, need help getting set up to play, find bugs or want to request a key, contact Brian (me, dev #2!) at [email protected]
Requesting & Activating a Game Key
We will often provide keys for streamers to try out the game. Email us at [email protected] and make sure you’re sending from the same email listed on your stream profile. If you don’t have any contact info listed, you can either DM @CloneDroneZone on Twitter or whisper Doborog on Twitch to verify your identity (yes, people actually do impersonate streamers and send us fake requests for keys!).
To activate your key, open Steam -> Library -> (+) button on bottom left of screen -> Activate a Product on Steam -> Enter the key code.
Play Session Ideas
Story Mode – Start Here! (3 chapters, 20 minutes to 1 hour each)

Chapter 1
There are currently 3 chapters of the game’s Story Mode (likely two more to come while in Early Access). Story Mode is the best way to explore the game, learn its weapons and combat mechanics before entering multiplayer, and meet the commentators, arena audience, and emperor.
Depending on the time it takes to learn the sword mechanic, each chapter can take from 20 minutes to an hour. Making it through the full story can take anywhere from 1 hour to a few hours.
Story Mode assets for your Thumbnails:
- Chapters 1 + 2 (use images from full presskit)
- Chapter 3 (assets zip)

Meet the Commentators!
If you need to skip to a certain chapter or you lost your cloud save data somehow, email us and we can help you get set up with the desired save data. (If you want to skip to chapter 3, you can use this)
Challenges (9 challenges, 20 minutes to 1 hour each)
Challenges make for fun self-contained, high-intensity videos. But warning — some get pretty hard!
- Inferno Challenge (levels + trophy images zip)
- Random Upgrade Challenge (trophy png)
- Bow-Only Challenge (trophy png )
- Hammer-Only Challenge (trophy png)
- Kick-Only Challenge (trophy png)
- Armor Challenge (trophy png)
- Raptor / Raptor Insanity Challenges – Fight FLAME RAPTORS! (raptors + trophy images zip)
- Greatsword Challenge – Good practice for Multiplayer, as it uses the multiplayer-friendly Greatsword (trophy png)
When you win a challenge, you get a Steam achievement, a trophy for your trophy shelves (in the Upgrade Room), and, sometimes, unlocking of a special upgrade (flame breath, fire arrows, etc).
If you need to restore your upgrade unlocks (or realllllly want to cheat to use a locked upgrade), you can use this upgrade save data zip (instructions inside).
Workshop Challenges
We have an outrageously powerful Level Editor, and there are over 15,000 levels and challenges that have been published by players in the Steam Workshop!
For the most part, Workshop Challenges are the easiest to create videos for. “Endless” levels get included in the rotation in Twitch and Endless modes, so it’s harder to predict when a given level will show up.
- Workshop challenges sorted by Popularity
- Some selected highlights:
- Grown Zone by Pudding
- Dance Game Challenge by X606
Clone Drone in the Dancing Zone 😂 awesome level by @X606_ using the upcoming Moving Sections feature (beta branch) pic.twitter.com/HBd1JjRQga
— Clone Drone! (@CloneDroneZone) August 27, 2018
- Clever Girl by Pudding
- They Wait by Doborog
- The Factory by Pudding
- Amputee Challenge by hollowedcommander
- Ring of Fire Challenge by VastLite
- Red Fort Defense by Cardinal
- Assembly by Pudding
- Grown Zone by Pudding
(If you come across any other favorites, or find any of these has broken, shoot me an email!)
Twitch Mode
Clone Drone has a very unique and interactive Twitch Mode (Twitch plays YOU!). Viewers can use the Clone Drone Twitch Extension or integrated chat bot to help (or hurt!) you. They can spawn enemies, give you extra clones, and bet “danger coins” on your demise.
Bonus: when you’re streaming on Twitch, your channel will show up in the widget on the game’s main menu:
Multiplayer – Last Bot Standing (NEW – Battle Royale-like)
Coming September 21st at 2pm PST!
- See update post 1 and update post 2 for more info on what it will be like!
Game Info / Contacting Us
Game Name: Clone Drone in the Danger Zone Release Date: In Steam Early Access, full release probably late 2019 Steam Store: https://store.steampowered.com/app/597170/ Website: http://clonedroneinthedangerzone.com/
(if you’d like to link to the game so viewers can find it, feel free to use info above, & thanks!)
Presskit: http://clonedroneinthedangerzone.com/press/sheet.php?p=clone_drone_in_the_danger_zone
Contact: [email protected]